Watertight Flood Doors For Commercial Building Protection

Watertight flood doors provide resilient commercial building protection. Every year, flood damage forces commercial buildings to close, relocate, or shutdown operations – sacrificing valuable profits, income, and opportunities. When storms strike, primary doorways, entrances, and access points are most vulnerable. As a commercial building owner yourself, resilient flood protection is key to protect your infrastructure, operations, personnel, and bottom line. Secure main entrances, workspaces, stairwells, garages, and full building perimeters against every type of flooding scenario. Read on to learn about watertight flood doors for commercial building protection.

Heavy Duty Flood Doors For Utility Sites

Choose Heavy-duty flood doors for commercial buildings and utility sites. These doors protect against flood water and act as security doors, constructed with steel frames. Flood control doors are custom designed and finished to suit your building aesthetic. You can choose from a single or double-leaf watertight door. These doors are the ideal choice for utility sites or commercial spaces where security is a top priority. Heavy-duty flood door comes with a range of locking mechanisms, and their steel is 0.08” zinc coated. Use the best flood mitigation solutions for resilient door protection at utility sites.

Passive Flood Door Protection For Retail Businesses

Install passive flood doors for commercial building protection at retail locations. Floodproof doors deliver resilient protection for stores, shopping malls, restaurants, sports clubs, car dealerships, and other valuable retail buildings. These passive solutions reduce damage to essential equipment, inventory, and business electronics – which can significantly impact income & reduce your bottom line. To maintain accessibility & building code compliance, watertight flood proofing doors provide low-threshold, wheelchair-friendly access – required for successful retail operations. Once your location is closed, employ secure locking options to maintain facility safety. Before installing devices, meet with the OFC Team to perform an on-site assessment, identify vulnerabilities, and determine flood mitigation risk tolerance. Passive flood proofing doors improve commercial storm protection at retail facilities.

Pedestrian Flood Doors For Commercial Buildings

Install pedestrian flood doors for watertight commercial building protection – while maintaining unobstructed visitor, customer, or employee access. Multifunctional flood proofing doors also operate as a normal pedestrian-egress door – available in single or paired configurations. When flooding risks are imminent, this pedestrian opening quickly transitions into a sealed, watertight flood barrier. Install doors to protect high-traffic pedestrian entryways, garages, tunnels, mechanical/electrical rooms, and access points. Of course, powder coat paint, steel/stainless steel finishing options, and customizable design capabilities seamlessly integrate with commercial building aesthetics. With innovative design options, discover how flood mitigation transforms industries. Pedestrian flood barriers for commercial buildings look and operate like a normal-use egress door.

Fire Rated Flood Doors For Buildings

Simultaneously protect against fire, storm, and security risks with fire-rated commercial flood doors. Watertight flood doors provide a resilient 90-minute fire rating – empowering you to address multiple high-priority facility management challenges in-one-device. These dual-defense capabilities are tested against positive pressure fire endurance test (PPFET) criteria at UL10C benchmarks. During inspection, these barriers are additionally verified for impact loading and hydrostatic/hydrodynamic pressure. Passive deployment supports 24/7/365 flood & fire protection – with minimal facility personnel present. Flood doors for commercial buildings are resilient, watertight, and fire-proof.  Employ this solution-driven flood mitigation strategy to protect your property, personnel, and profits.

Commercial Flood Doors For Offices

Commercial-rated flood proof doors provide interior & exterior office protection. Dry flood proofing doors are deployed in offices, meeting/conference rooms, basements, utility closets, and other spaces that are at-risk for damage. These passive flood protection systems are designed to safeguard infrastructure, protect equipment, and limit interior damage. With a fully-customizable design, these doors can be installed for financial, pharmaceutical, corporate, government, healthcare, and educational offices. Vision light or flush designs support office privacy or collaboration requirements. Orange Flood Control, LLC installs commercial flood mitigation devices for office buildings across the United States.

Analyze top-rated, trusted flood doors for commercial building protection. Install heavy-duty flood doors to defend utility sites, industrial plants, and critical infrastructure. Passive capabilities safeguard retail locations, multi-level shopping malls, and major warehousing distribution centers. These doors double as a normal-egress door to main unobstructed pedestrian access when needed. A fire-rated floodproof design simultaneously safeguards against multiple facility management concerns & emergencies. Plus, protect key offices where top employees, executives, directors, and partners work everyday. Before installing doors, meet with the OFC Team for a comprehensive design consultation – helping you understand what is flood mitigation, along with the impact on facility operations. Follow the points above to learn about commercial flood doors for resilient business protection.

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