Passive Flood Barriers: Automatic Solutions And Systems
Ensure permanent, automatic protection with passive flood barriers and solutions. Passive dry floodproofing devices are designed to deploy automatically - activated by rising water. When not in-use, many passive systems are nearly invisible - seamlessly balancing building aesthetics with 24/7/365
Resilient Automatic Flood Barriers For Passive Protection
Install resilient automatic flood barriers for dependable passive protection. For facilities that require 24/7/365 defense, automatic solutions are designed to self-activate against rising flood waters - with minimal reliance on employees or electrical power. These barriers minimize damage, support continuous
Watertight Flood Doors For Commercial Building Protection
Watertight flood doors provide resilient commercial building protection. Every year, flood damage forces commercial buildings to close, relocate, or shutdown operations - sacrificing valuable profits, income, and opportunities. When storms strike, primary doorways, entrances, and access points are most vulnerable.
How To Find The Best Flood Mitigation Solutions For Your Project
There is a wide range of flood mitigation solutions available for new and existing buildings. Both structural and non-structural flood mitigation approaches aim to reduce damage caused by hurricanes, rainfall, water overflows, flash-flooding, and more. Since flooding is an unpredictable
Hospital Resiliency For Patients, Visitors, And Healthcare Workers
Today, flood damage is one of the most pressing risks facing hospital facilities and medical campuses in the United States. When floodwaters from Superstorm Sandy entered the NYU Langone Medical Center in 2012, they rapidly spread through the facility’s interconnecting
How To Determine Your Flood Mitigation Risk Tolerance
In recent years, the United States has experienced a rapidly increasing number of flooding disasters. These devastating storms cause severe economic damage to facilities and local communities. With severe consequences of frequent and intense flooding, facility owners need to think
Protecting Your Facilities: Finding Solutions For Storm Events
At Orange Flood Control, LLC, our goal is to help our clients protect their valuable facilities from storms. Recently, we visited a client's site to understand their challenges with heavy rainfall, street drainage, and rapid flooding. In this blog post,
How Flood Mitigation Is Protecting Our Most Critical Industries
Flood mitigation has the potential to transform and revolutionize tons of different industries. Every year, floods cause billions of dollar in damage to commercial, industrial, residential, and municipal facilities. According to, they’re currently the most common type of catastrophic
What Is Flood Mitigation? A Guide To The Technology Revolutionizing U.S. Infrastructure Planning
Flood mitigation technologies, devices, and solutions drastically reduce the risk of structures experiencing water damage. Mitigation is the effort to minimize property damage, loss of life, and the overall impact of natural disasters. Proactive flood control techniques emphasize taking action
Cost-Saving Flood Mitigation Strategies For Natural Disasters
There are several highly-effective, cost-saving flood mitigation strategies for proactive natural disasters. These forward-thinking strategies aim to reduce damage, risk, and economic impact from unpredictable flooding events. Of course, there is some level of risk to companies or critical infrastructure